Uptake Blog (Joslynn Price)

 In my psychology class we have talked about the word uptake. I didn't really get what it meant until I actually read " A Great British Baking Adventure: Antecedent Knowledge, My Dog, and a Dry (Ish) Cherry Cake."  By Ashton Myerscough. While reading I learned the concept of uptake and what it actually meant, using old knowledge to understand a situation or concept. while Ashton was trying to figure out how she was going to make a cherry cake just by watching TGBBS and taking notes, but also using he previous knowledge she has been obtaining from previous bakes she did. While learning something new for the first time, or being in a new environment, which for me is being a freshman in college. I have to learn how to navigate around college life and being alone for the first time. It's been two weeks living on my own now and I've finally be able to be comfortable and have a set routine just from the knowledge and using my common sense to fill mostly secure at Illinois State University. 


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